Thursday, June 17, 2010


Twins on the way - coming about mid January 2011!  Our ultrasound went great!  I could not look at the screen right away - but then the Dr. said right away - there's a heartbeat.  Then he shifted gears,  looked right at Nikki and asked her to make the diagnosis as he scanned another area.  We saw the second baby.  I could not believe it!  It had been so long since we saw a real heartbeat  - its the coolest thing to see on the screen!   A 40 week due date is Feb 3 - but we were told to expect them a couple weeks before that.  He measured the beats per minute and size of the babies and said everything looked great!

So of course I had to ask "Now what do I do?"  The not so great news is I still take the shots through July 8th.  The great news is that I can be like a normal pregnant woman and connect with my regular OB/GYN.

So this time we have tears of joy instead of tears of sadness.   Some of the nurses waited for us to exit the room.  I think I am one of the longest running patients they have.  I could not see going through all of these years if we did not have Nikki - there is no way.  But we knew the right treatment would work for us - just took a while to find it!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

A test of patience

I am getting very impatient again waiting for the ultrasound appt on the 17th.  I feel good about it considering the increase in the nausea I have had this week.  I am grateful to have it because I know that nausea is my body reacting to the pregnancy in a positive way.  On the other hand, I am not thrilled that is occurs all day long.  I am thankful not to be much of  a puker - I never have been.  Then again - I have been through enough pain and discomfort that I feel I dont deserve to be throwing up all the time;)  I am sucking on lemon drops, drinking gingerale, and scarfing crackers as soon as I feel the nausea wave coming on.  Those things have helped so far.

I started spotting last weekend - so called my nurses in a tizzy on Monday.  I asked for another blood test for concrete evidence that everything was good.  They let me go in - then called at about 4 with the results - all very good.  The HcG number would be expected to be about 22,000 on TUESDAY, but as of Monday morning it was over 27,000.  Kelly actually said Dan's magic words..."I would not be surprised if there was more than one in there."    Since Monday was Dan's birthday - I thought I could share that news - naturally he was more excited about the possibility of twins than I was.   I am terrified of it.

Kelly also explained that spotting is common when on progesterone shots - which I do not remember hearing at all.  I'm sure they told me - but I have been forgetting so many things lately its been embarrassing. I tell Kelly I promise not to call again unless something more drastic happens.