Thursday, June 17, 2010


Twins on the way - coming about mid January 2011!  Our ultrasound went great!  I could not look at the screen right away - but then the Dr. said right away - there's a heartbeat.  Then he shifted gears,  looked right at Nikki and asked her to make the diagnosis as he scanned another area.  We saw the second baby.  I could not believe it!  It had been so long since we saw a real heartbeat  - its the coolest thing to see on the screen!   A 40 week due date is Feb 3 - but we were told to expect them a couple weeks before that.  He measured the beats per minute and size of the babies and said everything looked great!

So of course I had to ask "Now what do I do?"  The not so great news is I still take the shots through July 8th.  The great news is that I can be like a normal pregnant woman and connect with my regular OB/GYN.

So this time we have tears of joy instead of tears of sadness.   Some of the nurses waited for us to exit the room.  I think I am one of the longest running patients they have.  I could not see going through all of these years if we did not have Nikki - there is no way.  But we knew the right treatment would work for us - just took a while to find it!



  1. Congrats!! That is great news!!

  2. I got emotional on the phone with you the other day and then again upon reading this!
    I'm praying that everything goes smoothly.
    I'm so excited for you three, and in 7 mos or so, you five!

  3. Great news indeed! I am more happy than I can say for you, Dan, and Nikki....
    Happy tears!
