Wednesday, July 14, 2010

11 weeks and counting

It's been a while since I posted!  Everything is progressing well - I had my first appt with my OB, and I will go in each month.  The cool part is that I get an ultrasound each appt becuase that is the only way to differentiate 2 hearbeats.  She wants to do a C-section at 37 weeks - if I go that long.  This will be January 13th - so at least I'll still be 41 at that time! 

I do admit that the 1st trimester stuff has really knocked me down though.  The nausea kicked into high gear at exactly 6 weeks and has not stopped.  2 weeks ago I asked for medicine - so that helps for part of the day.  I have energy and ambition in the morning, then by late afternoon I need a nap and start feeling bad again.    Laying down actually helps the nausea - so that's what I do - a lot!  I am tired of watching TV (reading makes me nauseous - so that's out) - but I am fine with listening to what my body tells me to do.  I am surprised at the intensity of symptoms happening so early:  I have heartburn, cannot stand the summer heat, I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of my stomach growling, and I grew out of my clothes at 8 weeks.  I am fearful of how things may be come 3rd trimester - but no reason to worry about that now!

My sister-in-law, Wendy, has been an absolute SAINT, taking Nikki to play with her cousins so I get more rest.  We both noticed that Nik has taken more interest in her younger cousins, Marina and Ellie, who are 4 and 2.  She likes to play with them and help them - even carry them around.  She is really excited about finally becoming a big sister.

I ended up in the ER last week July 5th after feeling weird, strong pains.  I called our insurance nurseline first - and she told me to go in because of the pregnancy being higher risk.  Ultimately I think it was a nasty combination of nausea, heartburn, gas, and God knows what else.  I now pack a bottle of Maalox in my purse - cant live without it!  I got to see another ultrasound - and this time I could see one of the babies' hands almost waving on the screen - very cool!

We stopped the progesterone shots, so that is another huge milestone - no more needles!  I also decided to take the summer off of working - which feels both weird and refreshing at the same time.  I have pangs of guilt that I should be working - but I can make those go away pretty quickly.  My goal is to work during the fall, then be done after Thanksgiving, assuming I can keep up for that long.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear from you! All at the OJWC are thinking of you! (Well, all that know at this point!)Please know we are here for you in any way we can, Angela! Arbor Day is going to be extra special in so many more ways next year! hahaha We will have to find a park to plant twin trees! ;)
    Take care,
